Für den Brederlo – von Sengbusch Kunstpreis 2016 hatten sich 43 Studierende mit ca. 57 Werken beworben. Der Preis wurde zum sechsten Mal und das fünfte Mal in Kooperation mit der Lettischen Kunstakademie in Riga verliehen.
Der Kunstpreis dient der Förderung junger Kunststudenten und soll ein Beitrag zur Förderung des heutigen Verständnisses für die Lettisch – Deutsch-Baltische Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte sein. Die Schirmherrschaft hatten die Lettischen Kulturministerin Dace Melbārde und S. E. Rolf Schütte, Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands in Lettland übernommen.
Mitglieder des Preisgerichts waren:
Māra Lāce, Direktorin des Lettischen Nationalen Kunstmuseum
Prof. Dr. Aleksejs Naumovs, Rektor der Kunstakademie Lettlands - LMA
Werner v. Sengbusch, Vertreter der Familie von Sengbusch und Vorstandsmitglied von Domus Rigensis - Latviesu-Vacbaltu Centrs
Prof. Guntars Sietiņš, Leiter der Abteilung Graphik, LMA
Prof. Bruno Strautiņš, Leiter der Abteilung Skulptur/Bildhauerei, LMA
Prof. Andris Vitolins, Leiter der Abteilung Malerei, LMA
Prof. Kristaps Zarins, Prorektor der Verwaltung und kreativen Arbeit der LMA
Die Organisation in der Kunstakademie hatte:
Inese Bauģe, Koordinatorin für Ausstellungen in der LMA
Am 4. Oktober 2016 wurden in 3 Durchgängen durch die 7-köpfige Jury, einstimmig vier Preisträger ausgewählt, dabei wurde der mit 4.000 EUR dotierte Kunstpreis gleichrangig auf die vier Preisträger vergeben.
Preisträger des Brederlo – von Sengbusch Kunstpreis 2016 sind:
Ella Mežule | Malerei | “Ir” - "There is a” |
Dārta Stafecka | Graphik | "Laiks" - "Time" |
Una Stahovska | Skulptur | "Māksligais Instinkts" - "Artifical instinct" |
Marta Veinberga | Malerei | "Blaugznas" - "Dandruff" |

v.l.n.r.: Werner v. S., Karin Riede, geb. v. S., Marta Veinberga, Ella Mežule, Kristaps Andersons, Dārta Stafecka, Una Stahovska, Botschafter Rolf Schütte, Inese Bauģe, Günter v. S., Kurt v. S., Prof. Bruno Strautiņš, Prof. Guntars Sietiņš, Prof. Dr. Aleksejs Naumovs,
vorne: Prof. Kristaps Zarins, Prof Andris Vitolins.
Ella Mežule (Malerei)
Jāņa Rozentāla Riga Art Highschool - Department of sculpture
Latvian Academy of Arts - Bachelor program
Faculty of visual arts, Department of painting - 4th course.
2016 Einzelausstellungen:
“Tuning Fork”, Kanepe, Culture Center
“Anonymous confessions”, Birojnica, Riga
2015 Illustration for children poetry book by Joseph Osmanis “The rain riddle”

Ella Mežule schreibt dazu:
These works are made in this summer and are part of exhibition called “Tuning fork”, that was displayed in Kanepes Kulturas centrs in september. There is so much information everywhere, that You cannot escape it even in Your mind. Try to be without thoughts for 10 minutes, while Your mind is full of necessary and trashy ideas and knowledge. I tried to put it all aside and find out, what is the fundament, on what is based all these, temporal experiences. Tuning fork is a tuning tool, used in music usually. Sound is based on vibration. I think painting is my way how to tune my perception closer to composure, makes me able to distinguish the important from the excess. Also changes internal conditions in every day's life. And Then the paintings also becomes a Tuning forks to viewers.
„Ir”- "There is a"- Encapsulated visually nothing especially saying story, but makes you think about something. Right?
Dārta Stafecka (Graphik)
geb. 1990 in Bauske
1997 - 2006 1. Secondary School of Bauska
2006 - 2010 Jāņa Rozentāls Riga Art Highschool,
2010 qualifications - illustrator
2011 - 2015 Latvian Academy of Arts, Department of Graphic Art, Bachelor degree.
2015 - heute Latvian Academy of Arts, Department of Graphic Art, Master’s degree, 2nd cours.

Dārta Stafecka schreibt dazu:
There is difference between time length illusion and physical time, as the linear arrangement of time does not reflect of how we remember — in memories events are not in a sequence, they overlap and are shifted, merge into one. This is one of works from 4 work series, each work is one week, each of which includes seven days and this all adds up to one month, the sequential time vision unit. One moment of each day is fixed, every moment is different and similar at the same time, memories overlap and they can no longer be distinguished between the days of the week. One element characteristics can be mistakenly credited to another element, as a result creating a mess. Things that are outside the norm that is out of this mess, we can distinguish and remember correctly. I tried to portray this feeling by putting one drawing on top of another to form a dense overlap of drawings, in which it is possible to trace some element or to see some shape.
Una Stahovska (Skulptur)
geb. in Riga
1999 - 2007 Ernesta Glika Alūksnes Staatliches Gymnasium
2007 - 2011 Rigas Design and Art School,
2012 - 2016 Latvian Academy of Arts, Department of Sculpture Art, Master’s degree, 1 st cours.
2015 Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidado de Porto, Portugal (6 months Erasmus program).
2016 Sculpture exhibition ”INICIĀCIJA”, Riga
2011 ”Daco”annual Design Award, 1 st place in the category “Design Concept”

“Māksligais Instinkts” - “Artifical instinct”
Kinetic object, bronze, plastic, plywood, 120 x 140 x 140 cm, 2016
Marta Veinberga (Malerei)
geb. 1983 in Riga
2001- 2005 Riga Stradins University, Department of Public Health, BA in healthcare,
2006 - 2008 Laila Bogustova drawing studio and Andrejs Grants photography studio,
2009 - 2010 Art Academy of Latvia, preparatory courses,
2010 - 2016 Art Academy of Latvia, Department of Environmental, Design, Department of Painting,
2016 - heute Art Academy of Latvia, Department of Painting, Master’s program.
2016 Art grant of patroness Inara Teterova
2016 Vilhelms Purvitis premium for artistic creativity and exceptional graduation work Dandruff.
Marta Veinberga schreibt dazu:
A bonus sticker is the conceptual, as well as technical starting point of the "Dandruff". Usually, stickers of this sort are issued by a variety of sales outlets (such as supermarkets, filling stations, etc.) and a set of them (about 10 to 40 pieces, attached to a collector's card) gives one an opportunity to buy specific items with a discount. At times, these stickers seduce us to acquire things whose necessity we wouldn't otherwise even conceive. But generally, they only roam our wallets, pockets, bags and cars until turn into a trash; or, into the new painting, if the case is more fortunate. “Dandruff”, in a humorous way, tells about excessive shopping and other human weaknesses that often take over our intentions of being rational and consequent. In “Dandruff”the blockhouse becomes a symbol of such weaknesses.
Die engere Wahl erreichten:
Kristaps Andersons
Reinis Gailitis

"Kosmosa māte" - "Space mum"
"Kosmosa bērns" - "Space kid"
Printmaking techiques with wood and copper
Magister program, 1st Cours
Dāvis Ozos
Ieva Kampe
Elina Vītola

"Izplatītas glezniecības un sadzīves problēmas" - "Common problems of painting everyday"
6 Paintings: Acrylic on canvas, watercolor on paper.
Magister program, 2nd Cours